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Well, Well, Well…aren’t you the lazy bit@h. You just can’t take it upon yourself to start a dish from scratch, huh? Well, I knew there were some of you out there. So, I put together a couple of tips for those nights when you just don’t feel like doing it all. Fortunately for you, I have found some great ways to make succulent meals by using what G-D gave us…packaged foods.


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Frozen Pizza

You can make frozen pizza into an incredible meal. All you have to do is add some fresh or frozen vegetables, meat, and spice it up with garlic powder, pepper, onion powder, and bake. I like to put some red wine vinegar or barbecue sauce on mine after it has been cooked to add a bit more zest…but as you know, I may be a freak. Try it! You may be a silly freak also.

Packaged Rice

Packaged rice isn’t just good for a side dish; it can be a great base for a homemade meal. I prefer to use the packaged rice with the flavor packets like “Rice-a-Foni” as opposed to the ones with the flavoring mixed in. This way you can choose how much of the seasoning you want to use. So buy those, damn it! To make packaged rice into a full meal simply:

  • Add sautéed meats and vegetables in the beginning and then prepare as directed to make great meals with packaged rice products.
  • Add flavor by using wine, vinegar, limes and lemons, or hot sauces.
  • Turn packaged rice into your Asian favorites by adding curry powder or soy sauce based condiments for easy curries and fried rice dishes.
  • Use packaged rice as a great base for casseroles! Just add some gravy or cream based soups and some frozen vegetables, breadcrumbs and bake until golden brown.
  • If you’re even lazier than I was thinking, you might want to just add some extra ingredients to any flavor Rice-a-Foni. All flavors can be made into a meal in minutes. All you need is meat, and some vegetables. Brown the veggies and meat in some olive oil. Then prepare the rice as indicated on the package in the same pan.
  • See our recipes below to make great packaged rice meals!


It’s so easy to make a homemade meal out of a can of soup. All you need to do is add more stuff!

  • Chicken or beef based soups: start out with a can of chicken or beef broth based soups. Examples include chicken noodle, beef and vegetables, chicken and rice, etc. Just make sure you do not use a cream-based soup like clam chowder. I’ll talk about those later…hold your damn horses. Start out by pouring the soup into a pot (I find that pots work better than pouring it directly onto your stove). Add a can of water. As this will dilute the taste of the soup, you will have to add more flavor. Tangy flavors such as citrus or vinegar really complement the salty taste of canned soup well.  Add frozen vegetables, diced chicken, beef, leftover meats, pasta and rice to create more substantial meals.
  • Create more flavors by adding acidic and salty condiments like wine, hot sauces, soy sauce, etc.
  • Add some flour or cornstarch to thicken and transform into a hearty stew.
  • Add milk and a little flour to cream based soups to increase their volume and make them feed more people. Add more vegetables, pasta, rice, and meats.
  • Enhance the flavor of cream-based soups by adding lemon or hot sauce.
  • Use cream based soups to make amazing pasta, rice and potato casseroles.
  • Below are a couple of recipes for canned soups that you may enjoy. You also may not enjoy them, and in that case, I don’t really give a sh*t. I like em’, and that’s really all that matters.

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View All Our Pre-Pakcaged Food Recipes Below

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